Regardless of how you became a mom, being a mom is truly a most rewarding gift from the Lord.  Watching a new life grow, learn and develop right before your eyes is truly a blessing. 

While motherhood is indeed a blessing, it can become quite overwhelming at times, especially if you are forced to care for your child/children all alone.  Below are some tips that I’ve found to be most helpful thus far along my motherhood journey.

Spend Quality Time With God

God gave you your most precious gift because He knows that you have what it takes to care for her/him.  Spend time each day meditating, praising and praying to the Source of your strength.  God will keep and sustain you once you keep your hands in His.

Spend Quality Time With Your Spouse

The arrival of your new baby can take quite a toll on your marriage or your relationship with your significant other.  Remember that he played a vital role in helping your baby to be here for you to enjoy, so make sure that you still spend quality time with him, as tired as you may be.  Also, share your new responsibilities with him to help him appreciate you, your new baby and the new workload more.  Together, you will make it through those sleepless nights!

Spend Quality Time With Yourself

Believing that you alone are what’s best for your child, particularly in the earlier stages, is mother instinct at work in full swing.  But truth be told, we all need a break to regroup and refocus.  Allow other trustworthy individuals to help you out whenever possible to give you a breather.  You truly never “rest” as long as you are a mom, but allow yourself some occasional “chill” time away from your baby.  Spa days, gardening, exercising, and shopping (of course) are but a few ways that you can sneak away for a breather for a while.

Secure A Great Pediatrician

Even though we are “Super Moms”, we don’t know everything, so ensure that you find and form a warm relationship with a pediatrician who can assist you with calming your fears and anxieties as a mom.  Finding a great pediatrician with an awesome staff would be a sweet bonus because when the doc is not readily available, her/his staff can assist as best as possible until she/he can.  If your pediatrician’s office calls “just because” or to say “Happy Birthday!”, then you know they are a keeper!

Be Proactive But Cut Yourself Some Slack

Planning ahead is great for keeping you on time and organized.  But remember that it’s OK to relax your routines periodically and give yourself a break.  You will make it through each day whether you have 5 cases of diapers stacked up or 5 diapers remaining in your diaper bag.  Find the structure or routine that works best for you and go with it.

Take Time To Enjoy Your Baby

Your time with your baby is most precious!  Don’t let it pass by with you looking back regretting not spending more time bonding with your child.  Your job, the chores and other responsibilities will always be there, but those first years, once they are gone, they are gone!  Take time to enjoy your baby (and don’t forget your other babies if more than one is in the home)!

I hope that these little nuggets help you as you continue on your motherhood journey.  Continue to enjoy your most precious gift and Happy Mothering!!